Stories by the fireplace - from Mols and the entire world....

Come and listen when the low-ceilinged farmhouse is filled with pictures and smells of tales from long ago, myths from the seas and stories from Mols.

You will meet storytellers from near and far - and you can also share your own short story, if you want to.

We offer coffee and tea, and during the evening it will be possible to buy Moroccan mint tea and some sweets from Mogador Tea Saloon.

At the end of the evening we invite you to join the chain when we dance a ballad - a tale told by singing.

Place: Drejs’ Gård, Provstskovvej 9, Bogens, Ebeltoft

Time: At 19.30 the 29/10, 26/11 and 17/11  2015.

The 29/10  with her infectious enthusiasm, Britt Svejstrup Jochumsen from Randers Fortællerne lures the audience into wild stories for adults about the life among elves and trolls in the past and present.
Before the story, Secret Hotel offers a lovely hot soup in the cold of fall.

The 26/11 there will be something for every taste when the local Mols-storyteller Conny Radza, together with Britt Svejstrup Jochumsen from Randersfortællerne entertain us with stories about childhood in the 70's, freaks in the residential area and both new and traditional tales about love, murder and magic. Engaging stories which calls for reflection, goosebumps and laughter...

Before the story, Secret Hotel again offers a lovely hot soup in the cold of fall - but remember to sign up.

The 17/12 
is a Christmas market and tales with a Nordic theme - myths about Odin and Thor, about Freja's love and Loke's mischief.