We have called you. You have ventured out. Into the forest. You don’t know what will happen. But you can feel safe. UNDER FOREST is an invitation to a time with trees and their oldest partners, the fungi, as we move together through the landscape. The forest. You find it magical. The forest. You see wood. Now you are here. In the forest. There is no turning back. We have called you. You have ventured out. Into the forest. You don’t know what will happen next. But you are safe. In the forest.

No matter how you feel about the forest, UNDER FOREST invite you to spend time with trees and their oldest partners, the fungi, as we move together through the landscape. Listening. Touching. Resting. Sharing.

UNDER FOREST is a site specific and participatory performance where you become part of the largest natural network in the world. In and underneath the trees of this forest.

UNDER FOREST had it´s world premiere in Aarhus 14-18 May 2024 at Bora Bora – Dance and Visual Theatre. Under Forest was presented by Helsingør Theatre 22-23 May 2024 – and METROPOLIS in August 2024. Next up is Ry Aftenskole come back for more dates.

It took time, but suddenly I was no longer a guest in the forest, but a part of it and understood the cohesion completely without the staging. Which is the whole idea of ​​the walking show Under the Forest, to remind you of something that you might have forgotten. You are nature and therefore connected to everything around you on this planet

Thor Kidmose – Ordmose.dk 2024

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Director, text & performer Christine Fentz
Co-creator & text Charlotta Grimfjord Cederblad
Performer & co-creator Lotus Lykke Skov
Composer Birgit Løkke
Dramaturg John Tinning & Katerina Kokkinos-Kennedy
Scenography Annika Nilsson
Scenography assistents Lea Bentsen, Mine Süblier & Osiris Rafael Valero
Director assistant Martin Nagel
Costumes Bodil Buonaventzen
Photo & video Jacob Tekiela
Illustration Mette Damsgaard Nielsen
Sound recordings of soil Christine Hvidt

Technician John Tinning
Artistic consultants Julia Adzuki, Sara Topsøe-Jensen & Brian Degn
Production coordinator Louise Kirkegaard
Produktion assistants Emma S. Morel & Emilie Lykkegaard Schmidt
Earthwise coordinator Natasja L. Hedegaard
Chef Trine Rytter (Earthwise / Space for Earthwisdom)
Co-produktion Bora Bora – Dans og Visuelt Teater v. Jeppe Nissen
PR Bora Bora Lars Dideriksen
Thanks to Maja Ravn, Trine Vinther, Lene Lange, Sten Baadsgaard, Nanna-Franscica Schottländer, Dorte Bjerre Jensen, Metropolis’ Hvilelab, Joe Dumit & our families

Photographer – Thomas Gunnar Bagge – Metropolis 2024

Duration 90 min.
Booking Tel 5055 6263 – info@secrethotel.dk

Supported by: The Danish Arts Foundation, Den Jyske Kunstfond, The City of Aarhus, Syddjurs Kommune, Aage & Johanne Louis-Hansens Foundation and Earthwise Residency